1-31-11 Ding Ding Ding Da Da Ding Ding

Yes, I am the fool on the road on a day like today biking to work.
Yes, on days like today, it sucks
Yes, I am going to keep doing it.

I thought this was appropriate (My Ride in this morning):

Till next time...

Absolutely Horrible

So I have been absolutely horrible at keeping up this blog. 

So blog resolution #1 for the new year.  Write more frequently.  In the past, I wanted to write daily, and to be quite honest... I just don't really have that much to say. So my goal is a weekly post. 

I have quite a few things stockpiled, however, to write about.  The winter weather has been interesting to say the least, and I also have some new gear to review. With that I will leave you anxiously awaiting the next post....

Till next time..